call for papers


The 24th International Seminar on Urban Form:
The theme of the conference is «City and territory in the globalization age». The organizers and the Council of ISUF invite participation in the Conference by interested academics and professionals. Topics on which proposals are particularly welcome include: Stages in territorial configuration; Urban form and social use of space; Reading and regenerating the informal city; Efficient use of resources in sustainable cities; City transformations; Cartography and big data; Tools of analysis in urban morphology; Urban green space.
The program committee encourages the submission of articles that communicate and explore some of the aspects of The Urban Form related to the «City and territory in the globalization age» according to the main title of the Conference. Topics of interest are concerning to the following areas:


1. Stages in territorial configuration

2. Urban form and social use of space

3. Reading and regenerating the informal city

4. Efficient use of resources in sustainable cities

5. City transformations

6. Cartography and big data

7. Tools of analysis in urban morphology

8. Urban green space



September 30, 2016 Call for papers
February 15, 2017 NEW Abstract Submission deadline!!!
March 15, 2017 Notification of acceptance of abstracts
April 30, 2017 Deadline of registration on CFP plattform (Create a new account)
June 15, 2017 NEW deadline for the submission of full paper!!!!
September 27-29 XXIV ISUF Valencia



Proposals for papers should take the form of abstracts of papers. They should be prepared in the following format: title of paper, author(s) name, affiliation, address, e-mail address, telephone number, keywords, 250-word. They should be submitted on open conference system. Abstracts of papers must be received on or before 31 January 2017. Notification of whether abstracts have been accepted will be provided by 15 March 2017. Those whose abstracts have been accepted will be required to pay a registration fee by 30 April 2017 to have their papers included in the conference programme.


Abstract Template

open conference system



The registration fee includes 12 months’ membership of ISUF, and conference lunches and dinners. Following acceptance of abstracts, submission of papers (not exceeding 4000 words) is optional. If submitted, they should be received by 30 May 2017. Authors should consult the Notes for the Guidance of Contributors to Urban Morphology, available on the ISUF website (www.urbanmorphology) or in recent copies of the journal, before preparing their papers. Selected papers may be published after the conference.


Full Paper Template

Conference Guidelines

instructions to authors (URBAN MORPHOLOGY)




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